Looking back at the past: South African Apartheid (Part III: Bantu Education and the sustainability of Apartheid)
The Bantu Education Act of 1953 was a law passed by the Malan Government one year before his retirement. The Act made it mandatory for all school in South African territory to admito students from only one race. In other words, the Bantu Education Act stopped interracial education and founded the basis for the sustainability of the Apartheid System. The Bantu Education Act also changed the way African people were educated. The new system left the non-Whites education in the hands of the Native Affairs Department, separating African education from the Ministry of Education. It is very important to note that the Minister of Native Affairs during that time was HF Verwoerd himself (the architect of Apartheid). Here is his speech as the Minister of Native Affairs regarding Bantu Education (7 June, 1954): "It is the policy of my department that education should have its roots entirely in the Native areas and in the Native environment and Native community. There Bantu educa...